Publishing advice


Do you want expert, personally tailored advice to help you get your book published? I can help. 

As you're probably already aware, there's no shortage of social media groups and online courses to help aspiring authors. They can be useful but the tsnunami of iinformation can be overwhelming, to put it mildly. And because the groups and courses tend to be open to authors working in different genres and at different stages of their careers, a lot of it won't be relevant to you. 

That's where I come in. I've been down both the traditional, agented publishing route, resulting in a two-book deal with Simon and Schuster, and more recently, I've self-published two motoring books. I'

I've lectured on how to get your book published  at Bath, Bristol and Cardiff Universities and at literature festivals, and have been running my personalised 1-2-1 Zoom sessions for over 4 years. They're a cost and time-effective way for you to get up to speed on what you personally need to know to make meaningful progress towards launching your book out into the world!  

Our session will be tailored to whatever you'd like to prioritise, but can include 

Advice on how to get an agent that goes way beyond 'Get a copy of the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook'

Crafting your perfect proposal and cover letter - an advance tip - most authors massively undersell themselves)

How the financial side works in both traditional and self-publishing. Publishers and authors are notoriously squeamish when it comes to talking about money - but I'm not. We can discuss advances, royalties and what key factors that can rustle up a large advance.

I can also advise on what to expect once you've got a deal, how to negotiate the editing process and vital tips for ensuring your publisher's art department produce a book cover you'll love.

If you're interested in self-publishing we can talk that through and discuss the pros and cons.

Our initial session would be  via Zoom and cost £80 for one hour. We can cover a lot of ground in this time and by the end of it you'll have far more clarity and a grounded plan for your next steps. If you'd like further support I can offer help with developing your book proposal/cover letter, creating a shortlist of agents and offering feedback on your manuscript. 

I look forward to hearing about your book, and to working with you.